Andrew Chen

Work Resume About


Polygons - Arcade Game

2D Rage Inducing Arcade Game

June to August 2018 (10 weeks)

Andrew Chen (Dev and Designer), Peter Brown (Dev), Sahail Jaffary (Dev), Vineet Malhotra (Dev)

Software-Game Development, Unity Development

C#, Unity, Microsoft Visual Studio, Adobe Photoshop

During the development time of Polygons, I developed the app's sound system as well as the in game swipe gestures and controls.


Polygons is a 2D arcade app for the Android platform for the sole purpose of entertainment.

Polygons was created as a personal project to further our team understanding of software development and applying what we learned about CS in an application setting.

The Challenge

Coming into the development of Polygons, none of my team members had much experience in programming or mobile development. Through countless YouTube videos, Unity tutorials hours reading Unity documentation, we were able to start building each part of the game piece by piece.

For me this was the first time I saw programming use in a real world application like a game. The skills I learned from building Polygons help me accel in my future programming classes and projects.

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